Generous Living ::
All of Me in Response to All of Him
“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”—II Corinthians 9: 11
At the Executive Committee meeting on September 24, 2012, Rick Russell, treasurer of the Conference, shared seven major financial challenges that were poised at hurting God’s work in North and South Carolina. By request of the president, time was devoted in that meeting to pray specifically for each of these challenges. As the three officers of the conference conferred with each other, the great need for a stewardship initiative became apparent—rather than simply sitting by idly and hoping for the challenges to vanish away. Our goal is to creatively and prayerfully explore new ideas which will touch a responsive chord within God’s church family, and assist them in fully embracing Christ and His end-time church.
The Generous Living Team members meet every Monday morning at 8:30 AM to begin the week with a season of prayer for God to lead in the financial matters of the conference.
All Carolina Conference stewardship materials are branded with the theme of Generous Living. The GLT will continue to meet as needed to expand its oversight on the ideas and implementation of those ideas.
Even in a time of economic challenge we recognize that, when we unite our efforts with God’s wisdom and blessing, amazing things can happen to grow God’s kingdom of believers in the Carolinas. Thank you for prayerfully partnering with us as a member of His Generous Living Team.