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Leslie Louis



Gary Moyer

Vice-President for Administration


Rick Russell 

Vice-President for Finance

Bio Email

Ginger Bentley

Administrative Office Secretary for the President


Laura Andrews

Administrative Office Secretary

for the VP for Administration


Irma Munoz

Administrative Office Secretary

for the VP for Finance




The four executive officers are the president, vice president for administration/executive secretary, vice president for finance/treasurer, and undertreasurer.


These individuals have made it their mission to serve the conference in any way that they can, while taking into consideration the needs and desires of churches and individuals across the Carolinas. Alongside their executive counterparts, departmental directors and associates lead out in a variety of church ministries, and also serve as a link between local congregations and the conference office.


The Vice-President for Administration/Secretariat Office serves as the guardian of the corporate and ecclesiastical records of the Conference. In addition, he provides direction and leadership to those maintaining the official records of membership for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North and South Carolina. He also lends support and aid to the Conference president in service of the constituency of the Carolina Conference.


Misty Woodland
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