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Kathy Russell








Chana Gentry

Department Secretary


Judith Flores

Assistant to the Director of Children's Ministry for Hispanic Churches


Children's Ministries


The goal of the Children’s Ministries Department is to provide training and resources for the Children’s Ministries leaders in our churches across Carolina Conference. It is our desire to give encouragement and share ideas with children’s ministries leaders to help them point the children of their church and community to Jesus’ love and salvation freely provided to them.


Through the use of active learning experiences in Sabbath School, camp meetings, Vacation Bible School (VBS) and many other children’s evangelistic outreach opportunities, we want each child to be introduced to the love of Jesus in such a way that they will want to love Him with all their heart, mind, soul and strength, and to love their neighbors as themselves.


Since children are special gifts from the Lord, let us each determine that we will do all in our power to influence the children we meet by reaching out to them in a positive way for Jesus!

Adventist Screening Verification

Information regarding Adventist Screening Verification, the new NAD abuse training and background check system, has been forwarded to all pastors, teachers, head elders and church and school treasurers.  All conference and locally funded employees, and any volunteers who work in any capacity with children, are required to be trained and to complete a background check through Verified Volunteers.  If you trained and completed the background check through Shield The Vulnerable within the past 2 ½ years, you will not have to retrain until your certification with STV has expired (3 years from the date completed).  If you have a question about your expiration date or need assistance with Verified Volunteers, please contact the HR department of the Carolina Conference.  All employees and volunteers who began working or volunteering after December 12, 2016, will need to complete the training and background check with Adventist Screening Verification.  

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