Glen Altermatt
Steve Vail
Lorraine Gonzalez
Department Secretary

Carolina Evangelism
One of the goals of the Carolina Conference is to make evangelism a way of life for our churches, pastors, conference evangelists, and especially the church members themselves. There are over 25,000 members of the Carolina Conference, so we have the potential to have 25,000 evangelists working to share the good news of Christ’s salvation and soon return with the 16 million people in the Carolinas. Our department works to equip all the members for this work through initiatives such as ShareHim boot camp, lay bible-worker training, and seminars. God has tremendously blessed as the work of soul-winning and evangelism has been carried on throughout the conference. If you are interested in finding our more about our department or would like to find out how you can get involved please contact us.
How can we help?
Please pray for evangelism in Carolina—pray for our churches, the pastors, our people who support evangelistic meetings, AND our friends, neighbors and community. Ask God to move in a mighty way.
Please talk about evangelism—in your Sabbath School classes, at your church board, at fellowship meals. Make it a point of planning and action. But don’t let it be all talk, make sure your plans are carried out. Let us know how we can help you. Please click the "Seeking to Save" image on your right and fill out the form so we can help!
God has laid a great burden on our hearts. And yours, too, we trust. With the tremendous challenge that has been placed before us, let’s move forward, knowing that what God asks us to do, He provides the strength to accomplish.
2025 Evangelism Impact | Jan 2-5, Myrtle Beach
Learn More Here