Lance Morrison
Tad Stauffer
Associate Director
Lisa Moyer
Department Secretary

Publishing Department
The Publishing Department is responsible for the literature ministry of the Carolina Conference. Our goal is to place as many truth-filled books, papers, and tracts as possible in the homes of the people of the Carolinas. Thanks to the support of our members, this type of evangelistic work is thriving in our conference.
Because of this funding we are able to provide the following:
An annual 10 week Magabook student evangelistic campaign.
An elementary school Magabook fundraiser.
A GLOW tract website (personalized for Carolina Conference) to order online (
A new website through Georgia-Cumberland Conference Home Health Education Services (GCCHHES) where anyone can purchase Adventist literature and books (
If you have any questions about the services we provide or would like to find out more about our department please contact Lance Morrison at 704-453-9375.