I owe a debt of sincere gratitude and appreciation to our Communications Department for their encouragement and technical support in helping me establish another step to keep closer contact with you regarding issues and events impacting God's work in the Carolina's. As time permits, I will use this format to keep you updated. May the Lord bless you as a fellow pilgrim in the journey toward Heaven and home.
It's been almost 53 years since I stepped foot on American soil as a young boy. During this half century, I cannot recall a time that I've witnessed the level of friction and discord in our nation as we see today. I was hopeful that after the unprecedented, contentious U.S. Presidential election of 2016, life would settle down to some degree of normalcy! Wrong! As difficult as it is for me to witness the events happening in our nation, it is an even sadder reality to watch it happen within the church that you and I have embraced as God's remnant people.

Then I heard a wonderful Sabbath message earlier this month based on the 4th chapter from the book of Daniel -- focusing on an important lesson from the life of King Nebuchadnezzar. We may not see it at the moment, but we can know with full assurance that God does have a clear and definitive answer to right all the wrongs of our society... and yes, even within His church. While listening to my audio Bible on my drive home this weekend, I again sensed the direct voice of God in the words of Micah 6:8 (NKJV) -- "He has shown you, O man what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love mercy., and to walk humbly with your God." I pray that this will be the commitment of our hearts as we chart our course through these times of troubled waters.