From the dawn of the Advent movement, Seventh-day Adventist Education has played a paramount role in the fulfillment of Christ’s calling and commission to the message and mission of His remnant church. With humble beginnings in North America, this ministry has encircled the globe to become the largest parochial school system in the entire world. This was no accident. It has happened over the span of almost 150 years by the grace of God. Not only has it impacted everyone who is a worker for the church, but also a much wider body of believers in virtually every continent on earth.
We believe that pastoral ministry and educational ministry are equally valuable to the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. God’s messenger to this end-time church underscored this important consideration in these inspired words: “In the highest sense the work of education and the work of redemption are one, for in education, as in redemption, ‘other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.’” Education, Page 3.
I am thrilled to report that we have seen another year of growth in the overall enrollment of our church
schools across the Carolinas.
In the fall of 2015 our conference church school opening enrollment was at 521
In the fall of 2016 our conference church school opening enrollment was at 624
In the fall of 2017 our conference church school opening enrollment was at 660
In the fall of 2018 our conference church school opening enrollment was at 685
This reflects an enrollment increase by 164 students and a 31% increase in our elementary school growth
during the last 4 years. Praise the Lord!
Please continue to keep our church schools in your earnest prayers. We still have to contend with an enemy of God and his children. Pray specifically for…
Pray for wisdom, courage, spiritual nurture and patience in each of our teachers.
Pray for the support staff of each of our schools
Pray for Heaven’s protect hedge around our church schools.
Pray for the homes and families of our students
Pray for the boards and churches that provide resources to operate each of our church schools
Asheville Pisgah Christian School ..........................................................Erin Miller, Principal & Grade 7-8
(Candler, NC) Allie Faber, Grades 5-6
Beth Belinsky, Grades 3-4
Susan King, Grades 1-2
Alisha Michael, Kindergarten
Blue Ridge Adventist Christian School.........................Beth Hoosier, Head Teacher & Grades 1-8
(Waynesville, NC)
Brookhaven SDA School....................................................................................Mindy Meadows, Head Teacher
(Winterville, NC) Mike Meadows, Teacher

PRAY AND COMMIT to place attractive and updated signage of welcome greetings by the Seventh-day Adventist Church at every Interstate entry point into North and South Carolina with our conference website information.
Our second 2020 Visionary Goal for the Carolina Conference is to pray and commit to welcome travelling pilgrims into North and South Carolina with attractive and updated signs of invitational greetings by the Seventh-day Adventist Church at various interstate entry points into North and South Carolina with our conference website information.

We currently have 9 Interstate entry points on East- West bound Interstates 40 & 26 as well as North-South Bound Interstates 77, 85, & 95 in North Carolina. In South Carolina we currently have 7 Interstate entry points on East-West bound Interstates 20, 26 as well as North-South Bound Interstates 77, 85, and 95. Based on availability near entry points and reasonable budgetary investments, the administration of the conference has agreed to enter into two leasing contracts with a commercial firm authorized by the Southern Union Conference for the design work, installation and maintenance of this signage.
It is our intent to move these signs annually as other venues of opportunity avail themselves to us. Currently we have such a sign entering North Carolina on I-95 south bound from Virginia. The second sign is also on I-95 entering South Carolina from North Carolina.
Utilizing pictures of people from within our conference territory, we designed signage that could serve as a fresh and invitational welcome to the States of North and South Carolina. Our desire is to share a visual picture of an invitational church made up of a multi-ethic and multi-generational outreach in its mission and outreach. Why focus on people? Perhaps the words of this song by the three ladies known as Point of Grace say it best: “God loves people more than anything. God loves people more than anything. More than anything, He wants them to know, He’d rather die than let them go, ‘cause God loves people more than anything.”
Remember that little children’s song – This little light of mine; I’m going to let it shine; all around the neighborhood, I’m going to let it shine. Hide it under a bush – Oh no, I’m going to let it shine; Let it shine till Jesus comes, I’m going to let it shine. There are many who have never heard the word Seventh-day Adventists and many who have misperceptions of who we are. It is time for us to courageously herald and truly be grateful for how God has guided and blessed this church to be the final torch of truth that is warm and inviting to every travelling pilgrim through the Carolinas.