6. Remembering and Keeping in Focus Our 2020 Vision

VISION IV: PRAY AND COMMIT to increasing the number of our church schools to at least 25 with a
5% increase in our overall K-12 enrollment from what it is now. We embrace the Advent message that we
are living in the closing moments of earth’s history.
Therefore, it is our desire to advocate and validate the counsel of God’s messenger that “In the highest
sense the work of education and the work of redemption are one.” Education, Page 20
This visionary goal is aimed at praying for and making a conscious commitment to enhancing and encouraging our members to embrace Adventist education as a vitally important ministry in the preparation of our children and youth for service in this world and to nurture their lives in a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Across North America, the secularization of society has corrupted the curriculum – and every day we are seeing a moral decline from the standards of God and His Word.
A shifting of priorities and financial commitments has also unfortunately impacted God’s remnant people. Sadly these factors have impacted a downturn in our overall enrollments — especially in our church schools across the North American Division — including our own conference.

At the end of 2015 the Carolina Conference was operating 18 church schools and Mt. Pisgah Academy. It is our prayerful desire to see us increase the number of our church schools to 25 by the end of this quinquennium. Since 2015, I am happy to report that we have already added three new church schools in North Carolina – in Waynesville, Salisbury, and Charlotte (Cornerstone) bringing us now up to 21 conference operated church schools. In addition to this, we have partnered with our sister conference (South Atlantic) to provide a church school in Fayetteville, NC. That school is a wonderful story of growth and success to the children of that church community.
We have also seen see a new and steady trajectory of growth rather than a decline in our overall K-12 enrollment. Seven years ago our total K-12 enrollment for Carolina schools including Mount Pisgah Academy came of 688 students. With the beginning of this school year, that number rose to 788 – reflecting a 14% increase from the desired 5%. This may seem like a small step for our church schools, but it will be a giant leap to turn the tide in favor of growing our schools and truly being valued with the counsel with which we have been provided by God’s messenger to His remnant church.
I am a living testimony to the sacrifices made by my parents to keep all three of their children in church school despite all the ups and downs of their lives and the developmental stages of ours. I am here in Carolina as a living testimony to the dedicated commitment of consecrated educators and schools that have guided my life, who challenged my thinking, provided me with opportunities of growth and practical experience, and pointed me closer to Jesus. That’s what I see happening in our church school across the Carolinas, and I thank God for our wonderful team of teachers who touch the precious lives of our children and youth every day for Christ in the classroom.
7. Remembering and Uplifting God’s Anointed Leaders for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Continuous Prayer:

Be part of God’s praying church across North America for the leaders who guide God’s work in the following territories