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June/July, 2019 Carolina's 10,000 P5, part 3

6. Remembering and Keeping in Focus Our 2020 Vision


PRAY AND COMMIT to expanding the work of our publishing ministry in the distribution of truth-filled literature by:

  • Promoting a visible display of a Glow Tract Rack in every Carolina Church for members to utilize in sharing seeds of truth in every church community across North and South Carolina. We have made significant gains across the conference in this. Virtually every church that I have visited has a GLOW Tract rack in their foyer. For the past five years, GLOW tracts have been promoted and prayed for every evening at Camp Meeting as a means of sowing seeds of truth to searching hearts. What a wonderful and simple way to share seeds of truth across the Carolinas – Simply to say, “I believe in Jesus and just wanted to share a special message of His truth with you today.”

  • Developing the Magabook program to include and demonstrate a growing number of students from our church schools and academies in our conference territory in conjunction with an annual rate of increased sales. A higher number of Carolina youth are engaged in the Magabook program now than we’ve experienced in the past.

  • Supporting the work of our dedicated full-time literature evangelists by adding a full-time field district leader. Although we began this quinquennium with the addition of an associate director, we’ve had to scale back our budget on this, primarily because we have not had a significant growth in the number of full-time literature evangelists. Out of 59 conferences in North America, we are now one of only 4 conferences that have a dedicated team of literature evangelists. Let’s pray for these soldiers of the cross who are God’s boots on the ground as they knock on doors and follow up lead cards with our publications of Heaven’s truth.


7. Remembering and Uplifting God’s Anointed Leaders for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Continuous Prayer:

Be part of God’s praying church across North America for the leaders who guide God’s work in the following territories


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Elder Leslie Louis
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