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June & July 2023 Carolina's 10,000 P5

Embracing Carolina with the Compassionate Call of Christ

The 10,000 President’s Prayer Partners is a fast-growing group of Carolina Conference constituents who take matters such as these to their knees. We invite you to join us and make this monthly list a matter of prayer. Together we seek the Lord for His answers and provisions to every need we bring before Him.

SPECIAL NOTE: This issue of our President’s Prayer Partners is coming to you a little late due to a number of things that have kept me quite busy, including caring for my dear wife during her recovery from back surgery. As in 2022, this P5 issue will be a combination for the months of June and July.

As we celebrate our 247th year as a nation during this Fourth of July holiday, let’s remember to praise our gracious God for every blessing we cherish in this land that we are so privileged to call America, our home

till we reach our Heavenly Home. As we enjoy these warm days of summer, please hold up in prayer the special needs of these churches and schools:

COLUMBIA FIRST CHURCH — On June 13, the administration of the conference met with the membership of the Columbia First Church in a business session. After sharing the report prepared by structural engineers, Steve Cruze, Owners’ Representative for the Carolina Conference, indicated that repairing the compromised trusses and support beams for the sanctuary roof would be cost-prohibitive. It was painfully acknowledged that the only safe remedy for the present building was to demolish it and rebuild the sanctuary. Unfortunately, since this was not an event-based incident (such as wind or flood damage), the church is not eligible for any insurance coverage for this. The administration offered to recommend a generous financial assistance package for this massive undertaking, subject to approval by our Executive Committee on July 31. Please pray that the Lord will guide in this meeting and bless the efforts and investment of the Columbia First Church family as they begin the process of rebuilding their sanctuary in our capital city of South Carolina.

NORTH ANDERSON CHURCH: On March 26th, our church in Anderson, SC, suffered a devastating lightning strike that burned its church building to the ground. Although the church has insurance coverage, the extreme rise in replacement cost had regrettably not been considered in the renewal of their coverage. At

the present time, the church is meeting in their community services building located adjacent to the church. However, that facility has no air conditioning, and with the unbearable summer heat in South Carolina — even with fans and the best attempts at ventilation — some have either chosen to worship elsewhere or not attend church at all. We have been preparing a plan of assistance so they can realistically look at rebuilding their sanctuary. The meeting with our North Anderson church family will take place on July 20. Please keep us, our Executive Committee, and especially our church family at Anderson in your prayers as we recover from this attack of the enemy of Christ on His church.

TEACHER NEEDS IN OUR CHURCH SCHOOLS: God is so good! In His time, He always provides for our needs. Just a few weeks ago, we were in need of finding at least 7 teachers for our church schools across the Carolinas for the next school year. Today, that number is down to three. With the prospect of confirming

two of those personnel, in all likelihood, we may be down to searching for one more teacher before the 2023-2024 school year commences in August. Please pray for these needs that will impact the hearts and lives of our children and youth for eternity.

  • SILVER CREEK SCHOOL (MORGANTON, NC): Prospective teacher under consideration by the Executive Education Committee.

  • TRI-CITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (HIGH POINT, NC): Two prospective principal candidates as recommended by the Executive Education Committee will be considered by their school board for confirmation.

  • MYRTLE BEACH SCHOOL (MYRTLE BEACH, SC): Search process is still underway for an additional teacher in the lower grades.

PASTORAL NEEDS: We are on a continuous quest for faithful and consecrated pastors to lead the ministry of our churches and church districts. Here are the current needs for which we are praying:

  • FLORENCE FIRST, FLORENCE COMPANY, AND LUMBER RIVER COMPANY: A prospective pastor has been recommended by the Personnel Committee for confirmation.

  • FRANKLIN, SILVA, AND BRYSON CITY: The Personnel Committee will be interviewing a prospective candidate next month.

  • GREENWOOD & CLINTON-LAURENS: The Personnel Committee will be interviewing a prospective candidate next month.

  • WHITEVILLE, ELIZABETHTOWN, AND DELCO: A prospective pastor has been recommended by the Personnel Committee for confirmation.

  • ROCKY MOUNT, ROANOKE VALLEY, AND WILSON: The search is ongoing for a pastor for this district.

Focusing on Young Adults

With each issue of our President’s Prayer Partners, we continue to focus specifically on one of our goals and share some of the developments that are helping us in our journey toward accomplishing that goal. In our May issue we focused on our first goal – of developing measurable goals for discipleship. In this P5 issue for June & July, we wish to refocus on what has been happening with our second quinquennial goal of intentionally engaging, empowering, and enabling our young adults in the mission of the church. Here’s an update on what we’ve been experiencing in making strides toward reaching our second quinquennial goal:

Empowering Young Adults: A Journey of Connection, Growth, and Empowerment


In his book, “Leadership Jazz,” Max De Pree emphasizes the crucial role of leaders in defining reality. Unfortunately, the reality facing Christian churches in North America is the significant loss of young adults, with rates reaching 50% across most denominations. In the Adventist churches, the situation is even more concerning, with a staggering 60-70% decline. However, the Carolina Conference has recognized this challenge as an opportunity for change. With unwavering dedication, the conference officers, led by the newly appointed Young Adults Director, Cris Cazarine, are actively working to engage with and support

young adults. By understanding their world and generation, the conference aims to demonstrate genuine care through actions rather than mere words.

Connecting and Understanding

To truly connect with young adults, the Carolina Conference has undertaken an ambitious endeavor. Starting now and continuing until the year’s end, we are visiting churches in areas with a significant young adult presence. The purpose is not only to share the Word with them but also to build personal relationships. These visits entail not only engaging in spiritual conversations but also sharing meals together to foster a sense of community. By dedicating time, resources, and prayers, the Carolina Conference aims to convey our sincere concern for the young adults within their churches.

Training for Growth

Recognizing that growth requires a collective effort, the Carolina Conference has planned a training program at Nosoca Pines in January. This training is not limited to young adult leaders but is open to all church leaders. By including a diverse range of leaders, the conference seeks to cultivate a shared understanding and collaborative spirit. This training event, titled “Growing Together,” will equip leaders with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively engage and support young adults. By fostering a culture of growth, the conference hopes to revitalize its connection with young adults and inspire positive change across the entire church community.

Virtual and Physical Spaces

Understanding the importance of modern communication platforms, the Young Adult Department has created pages in social media platforms specifically tailored for young adults. This page encourages young adults to actively contribute and create content as a form of evangelism. By providing a safe space for expression and engagement, the conference seeks to empower young adults and make them an integral

part of the mission. The aim is to expand beyond virtual spaces and establish physical spaces where young adults can lead, thrive, and actively contribute to the church community.


Protection from Satan

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

1 Peter 5:8


Protection from Our Sinful Heart

But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

James 1:14-15


Deep Spiritual Encouragement

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.

Romans 1:11-12



If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

James 1:5


Doctrinal Faithfulness

By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.

2 Timothy 1:14


A Healthy Body

But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others, I myself should be disqualified.

1 Corinthians 9:27


A Strong Marriage & Family

He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church.

1 Timothy 3:2-6

In each issue of our President’s Prayer Partners, we focus on specific goals and share developments contributing to our journey.

The Ministries of the Carolina Conference are structured under six organizational branch functions. Each branch is then subdivided into various ministry departments. They include:

  1. The Adventist Christian Book Center

  2. Camp Meeting

  3. Administration

  4. Outreach

  5. Church Ministries

  6. Children & Young Adults

Beginning with the November issue of our President’s Prayer Partners (P5), we turned our focus to the Outreach Branch of our ministries.

The Outreach of the Carolina Conference is divided into the following departments:

  • ASI (Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries)

  • Carolina Evangelism

  • Church Planting

  • Community Services

  • Disaster Response

  • Health Ministries

  • Missions

  • Publishing

  • Prison Ministries

  • Adult Sabbath School

In this June/July issue, we ask you to uplift our Adult Sabbath School Department under the dedicated leadership of our director, Pastor David Wright, and the supporting secretary, Chana Gentry.

The Adult Sabbath School Department provides support for the local church’s Sabbath School ministry, as well as offering training for superintendents and teachers in the Carolina Conference. Four areas assigned to the Adult Sabbath School Ministries Department are: support of Global Missions, Evangelism, Fellowship,

and Bible study.

The current emphasis of the Adult Sabbath School Department is “Growing the local church through Sabbath School ministries.” Our Adult Sabbath Schools are vital to the health and growth of our churches. Sadly, in many of our churches, our adult Sabbath School programs consist of nothing more than going

through the weekly lesson study. While that is an important component, we miss out on so much more when we fail to connect with our world church and emphasize missions, as highlighted in the back of every Sabbath School Bible Study Guide. Additionally, emphasizing fellowship and evangelism (or personal witnessing and outreach) can make an enormous difference in the life and health of a church.

Let’s uplift Elder Wright and Chana Gentry as they lead in advancing a stronger emphasis in each of the four dimensions of our Adult Sabbath School ministry in the churches of our conference.

As the President’s Prayer Partner, we invite you to cultivate a deep relationship with the Word of God. As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe in 28 Fundamental Truths that are solely based on the Bible. In December 2021, we began our third cycle of emphasizing these essential beliefs, which are centered on Christ as our Savior and Lord.

Let’s continue to prayfully meditate on His Word throughout this month. I carry a set of these passages in my car and recite them aloud as I travel from place to place. My aim is to recite one verse at least five times a day for a week, thereby embracing the promise of God’s Word: “Thy Word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against Thee” (Psalm 119:11).

Repeat these passages until they become a part of your very being. You can also choose to do more, so consider how you can immerse your soul in God’s Word every day.


Adventure Camp

Customized for beginning campers ages 7-11 years old. This is an introductory camp which allows the campers to do all their activities with their cabin family and their counselor throughout the day all

week long.

Junior Camp

Designed for 10-13 year olds, Junior campers are ready to get more involved in a specific class. Each morning they attend the same two classes of their choice. Then during the afternoon hours they rotate

through all their activities with their cabin family.

Teen Camp

Reserved for the 13-16 age group, Teen camp is designed to let the camper customize their own day, using an activity list. Campers sign up daily so they can arrange their time with friends and what activity they feel like doing that day. Teen camp has a kick-back style, starting each day with a little more sleep-in time and programs running later into the evening. Add to this our Special Feature each day and our Teen Banquet. Teen Camp makes provision to make their choices with guidance and support from the staff.

Family Camp

Gather the FAMILY and pack your bags! Come to Nosoca to enjoy some summer fun and relaxation. Sit by the pool, cruise on the pontoon boat, sleep in, or jump right in and ride horses, tube behind the ski boats and play with your kids. All the activities you can handle: orses, pool, climbing wall, tubing, crafts, skiing, mountain biking, wakeboarding, canoeing, boat rides and much more!

There’ll be special features like: Candy Bar Kickball, Peanut-Hunt and educational nature nuggets at camp council!

These amazing summer camp programs take place at our beautiful Nosoca Pines Ranch in Liberty Hill South Carolina. With all the funfilled activities and friendships formed at camp, the most important element is that of seeing children and youth turn their lives over to Jesus. Last year we had over 400 decisions and recommitments to Christ at camp. Praise the Lord!! I received each of their names and took the opportunity

to pray aloud over every name.

How do I know the power of summer camp ministries? For all the years of my college education and beyond, I served in various staff capacities – from a pot scrubber (alias “Kitchen Manager!!”) to being a cabin counselor and eventually to serving as the boy’s director during my summers at Camp Kulaqua in Florida.

I’ve experienced the beautiful blessings of summer camp. Besides the fun-filled memories, it also guided me to dedicate my life in service for Christ and His church. Pray for our wonderful leadership team of Rick and Helen Faber and their entire camp staff as they lead out with this effective ministry in the Carolinas.

Be part of God’s praying church across North America by uplifting these leaders of our church who guide God’s work in these territories of God’s vineyard:



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Elder Leslie Louis
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