Women's Ministries
The desire of Women’s Ministries is that every woman in the Carolina Conference comes to recognize Jesus as her personal Savior and friend. Our goal is to know Jesus passionately and to serve and disciple women. We want to lift up Jesus Christ by enabling women to discover and realize their leadership and ministry potential—within their home, church and community.
There are a number of key events that happen during the year that are available for your involvement:
Safeguarding Peace 2025, February 9-11, 2025: This training provides essential tools to identify abuse, respond effectively, and support those affected. Through practical strategies and discussions, we’ll strengthen our collective ability to prevent and address abuse. Ideal for anyone dedicated to advocating for the vulnerable and ensuring safe spaces in our churches and schools. Register Here
The First Sabbath in March is International Prayer Day (There are sermons available to download at www.nadwm.org. They even have programs planned specifically for that day.)
If you are interested in polishing your skills for speaking and planning a Women’s Emphasis Day (which can also be a type of Women Leaders Appreciation Day) that is held the first Sabbath in June or for the Annual Offering Day, held the second Sabbath of July, contact your local leader to get on board. There are presentations available for these Sabbaths that also provide information on how to involve other women in your church for those days. Be sure to plan with your pastor and get the planned days approved early in the year.
The fourth Sabbath in August is Abuse Prevention Day to bring awareness to the community about domestic violence and other issues of its kind. You can bring in guests from the community and hold a seminar in the afternoon from people who deal directly with these issues in protective agencies, etc.
ENDITNOW: Break the silence about abuse. The North American Division recognizes that women, children, and men can be victims of abuse of every kind, and we are working to prevent it. For abuse resources, go to www.enditnownorthamerica.org.
Another opportunity for involvement is an event called “God in Shoes” that your local church can host. It is a great way to minister to the women in our surrounding communities and treat them to a spa day while also providing hands-on ministry such as prayer, massages, manicures, facials, and a brand new pair of shoes! This ministry was founded by Jo Dubbs in the Georgia-Cumberland Conference, and we have improvised and tweaked it to fit the needs of the community we are trying to reach.
A wonderful outreach opportunity for Carolina Women’s Ministries is an event called “God’s Closet.” This event can be held at your local church or other designated venue quarterly (Generally the first Friday in February, May, August and November). A FREE, fun shopping event is hosted for families to shop for infants through teenage size clothing, shoes and bedding. See www.godscloset.com for more information or email marlene.godscloset@gmail.com.
The Annual Women’s Retreat at Nosoca Pines Ranch is another great way to connect and grow spiritually. The Women’s Ministries retreat is held the first weekend in October. It’s one of the most affordable retreats in the Southern Union. With the offerings we receive throughout the year, we are able to help fund the cost of attendance for a number of ladies. This is a great opportunity to gather with like-minded women during this spiritual weekend! God always provides a phenomenal blessing!
An exciting resource for teen girls is the new blog dedicated to connecting teen girls to God and to each other, helping them tackle tough issues, and sharing fun, relevant articles. Visit www.Gorgeous2God.org. To be inspired and uplifted, follow by using #Gorgeous2God to connect or follow on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest: @Gorgeous2God.
Level I of the Women’s Leadership Certification program has been updated and is free on the www.nadwm.org website. If you are interested in completing the program, please contact your local or conference women’s ministries leader.